An idea is born...

After hours of battling a structure fire, the last thing you want to do is break down hose and crawl around rolling them up.  Add in the extra treat of the hoses getting drug through cooking oil, grease, or dog poop, and you got a mess on your hands...literally.  After reviewing the numerous fire hose roller designs that were currently available on the market, I felt I could build on some of the proven concepts, but add some unique benefits. 

While brainstorming with my buddy Jim, a design started to materialize.  I built a prototype, and after using it at our station, I could tell we were on to something.  Some say I have a "mild" case of OCD, which led to revision after revision until I had a design that I was satisifed with.  It was functional, lighter, extremely durable, serviceable, easy to install, and most importantly, safer on everyone's back.

Be a hero at your local station and contact me for a quote!

Trial run

Prototype #1 trial run

Could be lighter!

2-1/2" Hose

Tight, straight rolls

Hard at work

Jim and I working a structure fire